
Welcome to this site that aims to collect all genealogical information related to the name of (Van) Dorsten. All family trees have been administrated and are presented here. Also other related information has been inventoried. The aim is to establish contact with all (Van) Dorstens worldwide, to ensure that all analysis and knowledge can be reused and won’t be lost and to provide a basis for follow-up research.

The elaboration was done based on the so-called direct paternal line, the name bearing series. Everything about daughters is also mentioned, but it stops there (unless the name continues!). Also has been looked at the pedigrees of Van Dorssen and Van Dorsser (possibly the same origin). To a lesser extent (only until 1700) also Van Dorst was considered. The pedigree identification is based on the origin of the ancestor.

This home page offers the information as accessible as possible. The time bar gives the historical context, origin in time and relevant references. The topographic map shows the origin locations. The menu provides access to  family tree descriptions and genealogical data, notes on backgrounds, sources, site management and actual information in three languages. For more recent information you must register and log in.




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